Current News of gfai tech

You will find all the latest topics and news from gfai tech. Information about our company, engagement, our new products, technologies and innovations. We also inform you about dates for our seminars and workshops. Take a look at which trade fairs and events you can meet us or our distributors in person.

Press Release

Introducing Our Latest Innovation: "Noise & Vibration" Image Brochure

From the early days of the first Acoustic Camera to performance features and real-world successes: Explore our brand-new 24-page image brochure!

Event11/27/2023 - 11/28/2023

4th VDI Symposium Vibrations 2023

Visit us at the VDI symposium at the Maritim Hotel Würzburg.

Enter into a dialog with our experts Thomas Reck and Dr. Daniel Herfert.

Listen to the…

Event09/12/2023 - 09/15/2023   Husum, Germany

Husum Wind

The Acoustic Camera technology is valuable in the field of wind energy for assessing and optimizing noise emissions. Let's find out how!

Event09/06/2023 - 09/07/2023   Berlin, Germany

Railway Forum

The Star Array Acoustic Camera is a powerful tool for sound mapping and analysis in the railway sector. Meet us and find out how!

Press Release

Press release: gfai tech at Husum Wind 2023

At this year's Husum Wind, gfai tech will present the latest developments in acoustic and structural analysis that contribute to this goal.

Press Release

Press release: gfai tech at the Railway Forum 2023

Technology to combat train noise: Acoustic Camera and vibration analysis software WaveCam from gfai tech at the Railway Forum 2023


Event08/20/2023 - 08/23/2023   Tokyo, Japan

Inter-Noise 2023

WaveCam visualizes vibrations by amplifying motion. Explore its application for buildings and structures at Inter-Noise.

Event06/13/2023 - 06/15/2023

Automotive Testing Expo 2023

Our Acoustic Cameras and structural dynamic solutions can be used for various purposes in automotive applications. We show you which kind!

Press Release

Press release: gfai tech at the Automotive Testing Expo 2023

At the leading international expo for automotive testing, gfai tech will showcase its innovative Acoustic Cameras and video vibration analysis…

Comparison between FEA Modal and WaveCam results with software WaveSim –

NEW: Finite Element Analysis with Simulation Software WaveSim

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with WaveSim is a powerful tool to predict the dynamic vibration behavior of any kind of structure numerically.