gfai tech - Your Partner for Innovative Technologies

gfai tech GmbH has been producing and marketing innovative products for sound and vibration measurement and analysis “Made in Germany” for more than 15 years. As a 100 % subsidiary of the Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science e.V. (GFaI), it always produces industry-oriented and application-oriented.

gfai tech became famous for the first modular and flexible Acoustic Camera for the localization, visualization and analysis of sound sources.

Today, the portfolio also includes innovations for experimental modal analysis and complete software solutions for monitoring, analysis and evaluation of acoustic measurement data.

Our measurement solutions are applied in noise reduction, error detection and sound design in the automotive, industrial, air-traffic, train-traffic and R&D sectors.


Our vision is a quiet, safe and comfortable world.


Our customers are our main focus. You can rest assured that you will receive competent, quick and unbureaucratic help at all times.

If a product does not meet your requirements 100 %, please contact our technical advisor / sales department at any time, or send an email to


The quality and continuous improvement of our measuring devices and software is our priority. In 2020, we achieved a repair rate of 0.1 %.

We introduced a QM system in accordance with ISO-9001 in 2013 to document and improve our quality in a structured manner.

In March 2024, we obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification once more. It covers consultancy and sales of analytical systemsin the fields of sound and vibration technology as well as measurement services and measurement analysis. The DQS certificate remains valid until April 2027.

DQS Certificate



Octagon, the all-in-one Acoustic Camera with 192 innovative MEMS microphones is the perfect solution for complex measurements to localize sound sources.

QAIros, the AI-powered testing system is introduced. With relentless focus on preventive quality assurance and end-of-line control, QAIros redefines the very essence of quality management.


Our innovative software WaveCam enables high-resolution vibration measurements based on video camera data and amplifies motion invisible to the human eye.


The modal hammer WaveHitMax offers new, fully automatable possibilities for experimental modal analysis.


The first mobile Acoustic Camera Mikado for sound and vibration localization, is presented to the public.


The first gfai tech wind tunnel is installed at Porsche.


With WaveImage, gfai tech GmbH offers a complete solution for structural dynamic analysis. For the first time, this software combines methods from the field of vibration, modal and order analysis with artificial intelligence. In addition, it supports the creation of structural dynamic twins and enables representations in the sense of augmented reality.


A quality management system according to ISO 9001 is introduced.


GFaI e. V. establishs gfai tech GmbH to produce innovations in the areas of signal processing / Acoustic Camera and structural dynamics to market them globally.


The Acoustic Camera makes it into the final round of the German Future Prize, which is awarded by the Federal President of Germany.


GFaI e. V. receives the Berlin Brandenburg innovation prize for its development of the Acoustic Camera.


NoiseImage is released to the market. NoiseImage is an innovative measurement and analysis software for the acquisition, visualization and evaluation of data such as acoustic images and films.


Porsche buys first Acoustic Camera from GFaI e. V.


The Acoustic Camera of GFaI e. V. is ready for the market and its developers win the AiF's Otto von Guericke Prize.


The first wind tunnel studies with a directional array are taking place.

The Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik is an industry-oriented research institution for applied computer science that specializes in the development and implementation of future-oriented technologies. Our interdisciplinary team of highly qualified scientists, engineers and experts from various disciplines has been developing innovative and application-oriented solutions for the challenges of tomorrow for more than 30 years.

GFaI specializes in the fields of digitization of industry and administration, AI and robotics, energy and environmental technology, as well as sensor and measurement technology for image processing, sound and vibration.

Find more information about GFaI e. V. at their website:

  • Image Processing / Industrial Applications
  • Image Processing / Document Analysis
  • 3D Data Processing
  • Graph Based Engineering Systems (Graphing)
  • Computer Aided Facility Management
  • Signal Processing / Acoustic Camera
  • Structural Dynamics / Pattern Recognition
  • Text Mining Software (TMS)

For more information please visit:​​​​​​​